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Vestas - Wayfarer

A collaboration that revolutionized Test Data Management

When we decided to base TVDP on Tricloud Nexus using Microsoft ADX everything opened up. That’s the answer, we thought. That’s what we had in mind. It’s been a real sea change working with Tricloud and they have been key to getting this project off the ground.

James Smith, Senior Specialist, Test and Verification – Blades, Vestas

In the search to help wind turbine company Vestas in managing their massive amounts of test data, Tricloud collaborated with Microsoft and created the Test & Verification Data Platform (TVDP). The solution combines Tricloud's IoT platform with Microsoft Azure technologies, which it is built upon, and it efficiently stores, processes, and analyses test data from Vestas' facilities. The platform, incorporating Azure IoT Suite and Azure Data Explorer, facilitates advanced analytics, artificial intelligence, and metadata management. 

Together with Tricloud and Microsoft, Vestas has embarked on a transformative journey with TVDP, revolutionizing how test data is managed and utilized for informed decision-making in the wind turbine industry. 

Read the full article on Microsoft Pulse.