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Module & Application Store

Tricloud Nexus features a Module & Application Store, allowing users to deploy modules and applications across multiple edge devices seamlessly. Built upon industry standards, each module is imported into the platform as a container. To address specific use-cases, a combination of modules can be employed together as an application, providing custom solutions to meet diverse needs.

A module is a standardized and self-contained software container, that encapsulates specific functionality.

An application comprises of a collection of interdependent modules that collectively form an application or specific functionality.

Deploy modules and applications to edge 

Modules and applications can be deployed to edge devices through the Tricloud Nexus Management Portal.

The platform contains a variety of prebuilt modules and applications, and the store can be expanded with additional modules through the container import function. This feature enables import of additional functionality to the platform, such as AI algorithms, custom visualization, data processing and other features. Additionally, the platform provides the Nexus SDK for custom development of modules, supporting both .NET and Python.

Samplelist of modules and applications available

Contact us for an updated and complete list of available modules and applications.


OPC-UA Module

Connect to Industrial automation systems using OPC-UA data connector module. Browse data and meta data for all connected PLC's or other instruments

MQTT Module

Connect any MQTT broker to integrate data into the platform. The platform support multiple MQTT broker technologies an multiple payload formats.


RTOS module

Connect RTOS based devices to edge using RTOS module. RTOS based devices can be ESP32 devices and others.


Modbus Module

The platform supports connection to legacy devices over the Modbus industrial protocol. Connect a Modbus network and collect data from multiple Modbus enabled systems.


Filetransfer module

In some cases you want to import data from a shared file store like, FTP server or file shares. This allows for integration with scientific measurement systems, or real-time processing of files directly at edge.


Image analytics module

Stream image data to edge, analyze picture or image stream, control lightening scenes dynamically, make inline quality control for fast feedback to production process on any anomalities, store image data in the cloud for further improvement of analysing algorithms. Use information to document and track quality of each produced item.


SQLite module - SQL Database on Edge

Use the opensource SQL database - SQLite to store information locally on edge device, when storing in cloud isn't necessary, thereby minimizing cloud operational cost.


Camera module

Setup live video streaming and recording from your production process, use videofeed for troubleshooting and analysis purposes integrated into production dashboards together with other relevante data about the technical installation.


OPC-UA Module

Connect to Industrial automation systems using OPC-UA data connector module. Browse data and meta data for all connected PLC's or other instruments

MQTT Module

Connect any MQTT broker to integrate data into the platform. The platform support multiple MQTT broker technologies an multiple payload formats.

RTOS module

Connect RTOS based devices to edge using RTOS module. RTOS based devices can be ESP32 devices and others.


Modbus Module

The platform supports connection to legacy devices over the Modbus industrial protocol. Connect a Modbus network and collect data from multiple Modbus enabled systems.


Filetransfer module

In some cases you want to import data from a shared file store like, FTP server or file shares. This allows for integration with scientific measurement systems, or real-time processing of files directly at edge.


Image analytics module

Stream image data to edge, analyze picture or image stream. Control lightening scenes dynamically, make inline quality control for fast feedback to production process on any anomalities, store image data in the cloud for further improvement of analysing algorithms.

Use information to document and track quality of each produced item.

SQLite module - SQL Database on Edge

Use the opensource SQL database - SQLite to store information locally on edge device, when storing in cloud isn't necessary, thereby minimizing cloud operational cost.


Camera module

Setup live video streaming and recording from your production process, use videofeed for troubleshooting and analysis purposes integrated into production dashboards together with other relevante data about the technical installation.




OEE - Overall Equipment Effectiveness

Use our OEE app to visualize basic OEE production numbers directly on the manufacturing floor, making any drop in production performance instantly visible for production operators. Use historical data to analyze and improve overall performance.

Register downtime and analyze

Together with the OEE app, collect information on downtime reasons for each producing unit, taking production optimisation effort to a new level of transparency, for more informed and qualified decision making.

Schedule your production plan

Remove production planning paperwork, visualize planned production electronicaly directly on an edge driven application. Deploy production schedules easy and fast, and enable fast and easy rescheduling when necessary, improve communication between planning and production people. Enable easy electronic tracking of production orders.

Execute your production plan

Use this order execution app to control and start each production order on any individual production cell, making it instantly visible to all the current status on any production line, and being able to compare production data to produced product in real time, and connect all relevant production data to each individual production order.

Service management

Get control and an easy overview of all your service tasks, handle all service tasks in an easy workflow. Create service task either manually or as a consequence of an actual event in the pletform. Deploy service tasks to individual service personnel and track current status on deployed service activities. Get valuable historical data on the status of your equipment, and calculate KPI's on the state of your equipment and the performance of your technical service organisation.

Predictive maintenance

Make predictive maintenance based on realtime data, thereby optimizing the maintenance activities towards optimal performance of your equipment, and saving cost in invaluable service activities.

Spare parts overview

Get access to your sparepart inventory directly on the manufacturing floor.


Easy access to technical documentation

Integrate your technical documentation with your asset hierarchy for fast and easy access to any relevante technical documentation, can be very usefull and time saving during troubleshooting events on failed equipment. Thereby minimizing downtime and saving cost.

Instruct operators

Many production facilities still rely on a mix of automated and non automated tasks, in order to ensure highest possible quality of manual operations, an clear, updated, easy and understandable workinstruction can improve quality of work, and make it easier to reallocate production resources, reduce demand for training and thereby saving cost.

Download product recipes to production equipment

Deploy product related recipe data directly to the manufacturing floor, including BOM (Bill of Materials) but also machine and production related setpoints, improving the change over process in time and with higher repeatability and quality.

Lot traceability

Track the flow of goods through the production process, enable lot traceability, and create the basis for any regulatory compliance regarding lot traceability.

Get control of your production inventory

Track your goods through the production process, keep track on where all finnished or partly finnished goods are placed in realtime.


Visualize OEE kpi data on edge

Use our OEE app to visualize basic OEE production numbers directly on the manufacturing floor, making any drop in production performance instantly visible for production operators. Use historical data to analyze and improve overall performance.

Downtime analysis
Together with the OEE app, collect information on downtime reasons for each producing unit, taking production optimisation effort to a new level of transparency, for more informed and qualified decision making.

Schedule your production plan

Remove production planning paperwork, visualize planned production electronicaly directly on an edge driven application. Deploy production schedules easy and fast, and enable fast and easy rescheduling when necessary, improve communication between planning and production people. Enable easy electronic tracking of production orders.

Execute your production plan

Use this order execution app to control and start each production order on any individual production cell, making it instantly visible to all the current status on any production line, and being able to compare production data to produced product in real time, and connect all relevant production data to each individual production order.

Service management

Get control and an easy overview of all your service tasks, handle all service tasks in an easy workflow. Create service task either manually or as a consequence of an actual event in the pletform. Deploy service tasks to individual service personnel and track current status on deployed service activities. Get valuable historical data on the status of your equipment, and calculate KPI's on the state of your equipment and the performance of your technical service organisation.

Predictive maintenance

Make predictive maintenance based on realtime data, thereby optimizing the maintenance activities towards optimal performance of your equipment, and saving cost in invaluable service activities.

Spare parts overview

Get access to your sparepart inventory directly on the manufacturing floor.

Easy access to technical documentation

Integrate your technical documentation with your asset hierarchy for fast and easy access to any relevante technical documentation, can be very usefull and time saving during troubleshooting events on failed equipment. Thereby minimizing downtime and saving cost.


Instruct operators

Many production facilities still rely on a mix of automated and non automated tasks, in order to ensure highest possible quality of manual operations, an clear, updated, easy and understandable workinstruction can improve quality of work, and make it easier to reallocate production resources, reduce demand for training and thereby saving cost.

Download product recipes to production equipment

Deploy product related recipe data directly to the manufacturing floor, including BOM (Bill of Materials) but also machine and production related setpoints, improving the change over process in time and with higher repeatability and quality.


Lot traceability

Track the flow of goods through the production process, enable lot traceability, and create the basis for any regulatory compliance regarding lot traceability


Get control of your production inventory

Track your goods through the production process, keep track on where all finnished or partly finnished goods are placed in realtime.


3rd party modules & apps 

Graphical tool for automated dataflows

Use the powerful open source visual data flow tool - Node red - for automating special workflows. 


Time series database on edge

Use the open source influx db database for storing data locally on any edge device


Visualisation on data

Use the open source visulization tool Grafana to make cost effective and visually impressive on screen reports.


3rd party Digital Twin modules on edge

Import digital twins from multiple vendors, for realtime simulation on specific mechanical objects in the solution. Can be used to do accurate predictice maintenance based on deep performance information from each mechanical supplier.

Graphical tool for automated dataflows

Use the powerful open source visual data flow tool - Node red - for automating special workflows. 

Time series database on edge

Use the open source influx db database for storing data locally on any edge device

Visualisation on data

Use the open source visulization tool Grafana to make cost effective and visually impressive on screen reports.